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When you shop on you have a 24 month warranty. This means that you can either have the item repaired, exchanged, your money back or a reduction in the price, depending on the specific situation. It is of course a requirement that the claim is legitimate and has not arisen as the result of incorrect use of the product or other damaging actions. You must make a claim within a ”reasonable time” upon discovering a defect in the item. If you make a claim within two months after the defect has been discovered, the claim will always be in time. If the claim is legitimate we will of course refund your (reasonable) carriage expenses. Remember to obtain a receipt for your carriage expenses, otherwise we cannot refund the amount. Unfounded claims are charged an investigation fee and shipping charges.


Right of cancellation:

You have 90 days right of cancellation or exchange, valid from the date of receipt. The right of cancellation or exchange is conditional upon the item being returned undamaged in the same condition and in the original packaging. The right of cancellation or exchange thus ceases to be valid if you have used the item in a way which obviously reduces the item’s sales value. If you change your mind about your purchase, you can of course have a refund. The amount will be reimbursed when we have received the returned item and inspected that it lives up to the rules of cancellation.

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